The Biggest Recruitment Challenges For IT Businesses in 2023
Businesses are facing more recruitment challenges than ever. And our reports show the IT jobs and recruitment market has slowed down in 2023, from the post-pandemic boom we have seen in recent years. But recruitment hasn’t become any cheaper. Meaning that in a competitive market, IT businesses are having to spend more time, energy, and […]
Employee Retention: How To Prevent Employee Turnover
What Does Employee Turnover and Employee Retention Mean? Employee retention and employee turnover are two sides of the same coin. Employee turnover is the amount of people who leave your business. If you’re trying to calculate your annual employee turnover it would look a little something like this: Employee turnover rates can differ largely by […]
How To Improve Your Hiring Process in 5 Steps
Taking the necessary steps and knowing how to improve your hiring process has always been important in beating the competition. But in the past few years, the job market has become more and more competitive. Especially in industries like IT, which are experiencing shortage of skilled and certified IT professionals and a broadening skills gap. […]
How To Avoid Making Bad Hires
Bad hires cost businesses millions annually. A study from CareerBuilder put the cost of bad hires at almost £13,000 on average to a business. When it comes to mistakes in the workplace, few cost a business as much as hiring the wrong person for the position. And it’s a mistake the majority of employers will […]
How To Use Company Culture For Your Recruitment Efforts
A lot of companies don’t think about their company culture, it’s just created out of the people they hire. So by reading this article, you’re taking your first step to defining and creating a culture that you can use in your hiring process to attract the employees you want at your business. We’re going to […]
Here’s Why Your Hiring Process Isn’t Working
The way we live out our work life is very different to how our grandparents – and even our parents – lived theirs. We no longer commit to one company for 50 years, work our way up the ranks and retire with a pension and a gold watch. Instead, nearly half of millennials would rather […]