We’ve gone from strength to strength in recent years at Dynamic, enjoying the post pandemic boom in recruitment in the IT industry. This success has led to growth within Dynamic, as we prepare ourselves for our move to our new office to accommodate our expanding Dynamic team!
And while we’re a recruitment agency, we’re not just interested in hiring recruitment consultants (although of course, we are). We are constantly investing in our systems and processes, and our upcoming expansion opens the door for us to hire more back-office support staff to streamline our business and support our recruitment consultants.
Back-office support staff like Alisha Mehmet, who has recently joined Dynamic as Finance Manager, to take control of the businesses finances. We’ve asked her some questions about how she got started in her career, and about her work here at Dynamic Search Solutions.
Working in finance, you can work almost anywhere. What made you apply for a role at Dynamic?
The main reason was the flexibility of the role. With finance I can work anywhere and I prefer working from home when I can, just getting my head down and focusing on the numbers, less distractions. But at the same time I like coming into the office and being sociable. I really like the atmosphere in the office. It’s a nice balance of being flexible working where is best for me.
What led you to a career in Finance?
I’ve always been really good with numbers, I’ve enjoyed it since school. I did a bookkeeping course when I was 20, which is like a more junior accountancy course. I really enjoyed it, got a job as an accounts assistant and it just took off from there really.
So your role isn’t typical recruitment, how does it fit into the rest of Dynamic?
Basically getting the money in from the customers. Every time one of the guys places a candidate in a role, it’s my job to get the money from them.
And the commissions. It’s in their best interest to make the placements, then it’s my job to manage the money going to them. Any money going in and out of the business, it’s up to me.
What was your first day like?
It was really good. A lot of information, but that’s kind of normal. I went round and met everyone in the team. Since I’ve started I haven’t had a bad thing to say about the company, the people and the role.
What are you most looking forward to in your role?
Just developing it and making it my own. Because there hasn’t been anyone doing the position before except Adam, who’s been wearing so many hats. Taking the workload off of him and making it my own, putting my own stamp on it.
What’s the most ridiculous argument you’ve ever had?
Probably every argument I’ve had with my sister. Especially when we were kids. We were really close in age so there were lots of arguments growing up. But I can’t think of a particular one argument. Looking back, they were just all ridiculous.
If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
Maybe Stephen hawking. I just think it would be quite interesting. Or Charles Darwin. Someone who’s got so much knowledge and has been around a while, I’d love to pick their brains.
Can you tell me three interesting facts about yourself?
I’m a mum, I’m half Turkish, and I met my partner while we were traveling in Australia.
He was living in a flat in Sydney and we needed a flat. A mutual friend helped us out and that was that. It’s actually what brought me to Liverpool, (he’s a scouser), and led to this job now!
If working at Dynamic sounds like something you would be interested in, you can find out more information about a career at Dynamic and see our open positions here. Or get in contact for a discussion about what we can do for you and your career.