How to Decline a Job Offer
Anyone can decline a job offer. But knowing how to decline a job offer gracefully, and without damaging potentially useful connections, is a valuable skill for your career. If you’ve never turned down a job offer, you might not know where to start. That’s where we’re here to help. Common Reasons For Why You […]

How To Decide Between Two Job Offers
If you’re wondering how to decide between two jobs, then congratulations! Your applications, interviews and the stress of looking for a new job has paid off. And you’re in a great position. Not just one, but two jobs want you! So while it may not seem like it, your dilemma is a great place to […]

Six things to consider when you receive a counter offer
Companies always want to hold onto their top employees, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise if your resignation letter is followed by a counter offer. It can be quite flattering that your employer thinks so highly of you, and it is often quite common for the employers to try and convince staff to stay […]