Network Engineer Interview Questions & Answers
As an IT Recruitment Agency, we have our candidates going into Network Engineer interviews on a daily basis. Because of this, we have used our experience to provide you with a few essential Network Engineer interview questions and how to answer them. Preparing for Your Interview As with any job interview, it is important […]

Phone interview tips to make sure you get the job
When we think about job interviews, we often think about what we’d wear, how we’d present ourselves and the firmness of our handshake. But the truth is not all interviews involve meeting a potential employer in person, but rather a phone interview… because of this we have come up with 8 different phone interview tips […]

Contract vs Permanent Jobs in IT | What you need to know
Often viewed as the holy grail of jobs, becoming an IT contractor could be a tempting career move. With high earning potential and the freedom that comes with being your own boss (working on your own terms) it’s no wonder the number of freelancers in the UK hit 2 million last year – and continues […]

6 reasons why a recruitment career is for you
Recruitment is a profession which attracts a wide range of people, I’ve heard lots of reasons why people chose to join the industry, many say they ‘fell into recruitment’. Although that may be how some of us began our recruitment career, recruitment offers a varied nature of work, rewarding benefits and could be the career […]

What makes a successful IT contractor?
As well as prerequisite business and technical skills, there a number of character traits you’ll need to possess (or improve upon) to become a successful long-term IT contractor. IT contracting isn’t for everyone. According to a fairly recent estimate*, there are around 120,000 IT / Telecoms contractors in the UK – representing around 14% of […]

How to become Cisco CCNA Security Certified
CCNA Security Overview Before getting to know all the details about the CCNA certification, first find out what is the difference between the CCNA and the CCNA Security credential. The CCNA certificate validates the candidate’s early networking skills and expertise in a career domain. It is a one-step leveled higher certification than the CCENT (Cisco Certified […]